Add-On Lily Stem – White

260 ฿


<Add as Custom SHORTCODE?> Lilies are big, beautiful flowers.

<Add as Custom SHORTCODE?> Our Lilies are usually “Oriental” Lilies and the stem will have an average of 3 to 4 flowers, but 1 of those flowers may not open. Lily stems often last longer than many other types of flowers because when we sell/deliver them, some of the flowers have usually not opened yet. (NOTE: We remove the stamens from the Lily flowers that have already opened on the stem, so the dark, powder-like pollen cannot stain clothing for example – but of course the stamens will still be in the closed flowers when/if they open later)

<Add as Custom SHORTCODE?> Buy 1, 2 or 3 of these beautiful Lily Stems to ADD TO A “MAIN” FLOWER PRODUCT you are ordering – to make it BIGGER !

<Add to the above Custom SHORTCODE?> NOTE: The Flower(s) will be added to your “MAIN” FLOWER PRODUCT, in the form you see in the photo (no additional/separate bouquet wrapping, ribbons or bows).

Size – We will cut the length of the flower stem to match the “MAIN” FLOWER PRODUCT you add it to.

* PETS WARNING: All parts of Lilies are poisonous (toxic) to Dogs and especially to Cats (even a small amount can kill), including the Leaves, Flowers, Pollen, Stems, and Water in a Vase. Isan Flowers 2 cannot accept any responsibility for the health of the pets of customers or order recipients.


<Add as Custom SHORTCODE?> PHOTO INFO: In the example photo, there is 1 Lily stem and XX of the flowers on the stem has/have not opened yet. The actual product supplied may have a different appearance, according to how much the flowers have opened yet. The Lily Stem we give you may look different, according to how many flowers are on the stem and how much the flowers have opened yet.

<Add to the above Custom SHORTCODE?> HOW TO ORDER: Choose one of our “MAIN” FLOWER PRODUCTS first, then you can choose 1 or More Add-On flowers to increase your total number of flowers by a small number – up to a maximum limit of 3 Add-On Lily Stems.
Example: Choose a Mixed Flowers Bouquet, and then choose 1 Add-On Lily Stem … to make the Bouquet bigger !


Tip – Remove Stamens – We recommend that the recipient remove the stamens from the Lily flowers as soon as possible after they open, so the dark, powder-like pollen cannot stain clothing, for example.

CARE NOTE: For maximum life, Flowers should be kept in a Vase or Flower Basket in a cool environment, given fresh water every day and their stems cut frequently. For more care advice, see our Flower Care page.