Chocolate Gift Basket with Lily and Soft Toy

1,680 ฿


<Add as Custom SHORTCODE?> This colourful Gift Basket is a great combination of popular and delicious chocolate candy, with a very cute small Soft Toy and beautiful Lily flowers. It is a great gift because Thai people love chocolate!

We will put many different types of chocolate candy in the basket, which means this gift is a great way to give someone the experience of trying/tasting candy they may not have eaten before!

The product photo(s) on this page is an example *. The Gift Basket will usually contain the following …

1 small Soft Toy Bear (usual height approx. 17cm)
2 different Hershey’s Chocolate Bars
1 Ferrero Rocher 5-Pack
12-15 Various Asian Chocolate Candy products that are popular with Thai people
1 Lily Stem (average of 3-4 flowers)
… all in a re-usable basket made of plastic or wood (so a useful gift for a long time).

Tip – Want Western brands? – If you prefer to give only Western-branded chocolate (instead of mostly Asian-branded), choose one of our other Gift Basket products instead.

<Add as Custom SHORTCODE?> CARE NOTE: The chocolate contents of this Gift Basket should be kept cool.
<Add as Custom SHORTCODE?> * SUBSTITUTION NOTE: Actual product supplied may have slightly different appearance and/or content from the example photo(s) on this page, according to product content availability (& other possible reasons explained in our business Ts & Cs).